Re: How the father of the World Wide Web plans to reclaim it from Facebook and Google

On 2016-08-17 09:15, Timothy Holborn wrote:
> Meh,
> In more modern times, I'd like to see more investigation of how IPFS and/or
 > WebDHT may be used with LDP in conjunction with HTTP-SIGNATURES / Credentials
 > related eco-systems; as that's something we're able to do something about today,
 > rather than considerations of the past.

I'm not referring to the past only, Apple did exactly what I had envisioned for their break-through Apple Pay for the Web solution.


> Tim. Holborn.
> On Wed, 17 Aug 2016 at 16:08 Anders Rundgren < <>> wrote:
>     Going back to the subject seems that the times have changed even for the father of the Web:
>     The very same bunch of self-proclaimed experts who dismissed TimBL's humble request also waste our time by at any cost fighting the "App Revolution", an activity which has no industry support whatsoever.
>     COMBINING the Web and App worlds would be a more intelligent use of precious development cycles than projects like WebCrypto which took 4 years to accomplish and finally didn't even make it in Web Payments!
>     Market research anybody?
>     Anderd

Received on Wednesday, 17 August 2016 07:21:16 UTC