Re: Problem with Hash based Linked Data URIs

if the redirect is worth being mentioned in the spec as a performance
issues, i would assume that it should also be mentioned in the spec
that potentially people need to download huge amounts of data if
hash-based uris are used in the wrong way.

please note that i would not put any performance debate into the spec at

wkr j

On Sat, 2013-02-16 at 16:08 +0100, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> On 16 February 2013 15:33, Adrian Gschwend <> wrote:
>         On 16.02.13 12:10, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>         > Hi Kingsley, just trying to understand the problem better.
>          When I
>         > click, it
>         takes me to
>         > the section of the GR vocab that is related to
>         BusinessEntity (via html
>         > anchors).  What should it be doing?
>         That's only because you requested it from a web browser, if
>         you get that
>         as RDF (via rapper for example) it will make a request to
> and instead of giving you the
>         answer to
>         what you really want to know  (#BusinessEntity) it downloads
>         the whole
>         ontology which according to rapper is 1834 triples. Everything
>         after the
>         # is handled client side and does not even get through the
>         webserver.
>         This is not handy at all when you start to write code, you get
>         way more
>         than you wanted to know and it gets harder to implement local
>         caching
>         for example. Did that done that, really no fun to implement
>         properly
>         with hash based URIs.
>         So I'm really no fan of hash based URIs either, especially on
>         bigger
>         ontologies/datasets.
> Tabulator handles this quite well in that it will filter on the data
> item that you requested.
> Sure if the author has chosen to make a large page you'll pull in a
> lot of data.
> Isnt that true on the normal web tho?  You could have a million images
> on a web page, but it's probably not a good idea...
>         cu
>         Adrian
>         --
>         Adrian Gschwend
>         @
>         ktk [a t]
>         -------
>         Open Source Project

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Received on Saturday, 16 February 2013 15:46:30 UTC