Re: {Disarmed} RWW-Play was: Simple WebID, WebID+TLS Protocol, and ACL Dogfood Demo

On 8/9/13 2:32 PM, Hugh Glaser wrote:
> If I (or someone else) is successful, a report back with the absolute minimum for doing the whole WebID thing that way would be a nice resource.

Once again, there is a very important, but easy to overlook message (and 
lesson) that's emerged from these threads i.e., introducing new 
technology requires "aboslute minimum" examples. These basic examples 
are crucial; which is why putting apps/services ahead of this crucial 
step ultimately obscures pathways to concept comprehension.

I use Turtle (without prefixes and relative URIs) as a "best practice" 
for keeping triples in full view (without distraction) when trying to 
demonstrate what Linked Data enables. This approach should really apply 
to any new concept that's based on Linked Data. Once the concepts are 
understood (via minimalist examples), the utility  of tools, apps, and 
services become obvious :-)



Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Friday, 9 August 2013 20:00:57 UTC