Re: privacy definitions -- was: WebID questions

On 18 Oct 2012, at 16:50, Rigo Wenning <> wrote:

> Ashok, 
> both: the preferences dialog behind the button was validated. There 
> was also a dashboard on what collection was happening. But there was 
> no validated UI yet for the exposure of the data collected to the 
> user. A proof of concept implementation just wrote all data into a 
> SQL database and provided pre-configured common queries. The Privacy 
> experts found that exciting, the normal users wouldn't look at it. 
> So we need more research in there.. It is like data mining the data 
> you left everywhere to assess your own risk. Not trivial. 

Hi Rigo,

  was this done in the Chrome? I suppose so...
Is there a document that one can look at that shows the results of this work?

> Rigo
> On Thursday 18 October 2012 07:43:24 Ashok Malhotra wrote:
>> Was this a dashboard where you could set/change your privacy
>> preferences or did it tell you what information the app was
>> collecting, or both?
>> This is an idea that could have wide applicability esp. if the UI
>> has been validated.

Social Web Architect

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2012 14:58:00 UTC