Re: Use Cases and Requirements document for WebID

Henry Story wrote:
> Use-Cases:
> 	• referring to one's identity

"one's"? are we excluding machine agents?

I'd love to go in to detail about referring to the identity of a thing, 
but will simply propose this is swapped to "providing a reference to an 
agent", or words to that effect.

> 	• WebID-based authentication
> 	• WebID-based authorization

WebID-compatible, or WebID-based?

> Requirements:
> 	• one MUST be able to change one's WebID

well... we MUST be able to have multiple WebIDs, and have a preferred or 
canonical one, the notion of "changing" is a bit strange within the 
timelessness of RDF.

> 	• one MUST distinguish a WebID (a simple URI for a Web Resource) from a WebID Profile (the Web Information Resource). This SHOULD not rely on dereferencing.

Can we keep this to MUSTs and not SHOULDs.

> 	• the system MUST take efficiency into account

Which system? and efficiency of? (Network, Implementation, Inference and 

> 	• the system MUST not introduce any incompatility with LDP, especially for Write operations

the "especially for.." is redundant.

> 	• the Web Profile MUST define a default representation format

can we define "the Web Profile" here, what is it, and how does it define 
a default for itself?

> 	• the system SHOULD considerer legacy WebIDs (or FOAF/SSL) whenever possible

please define legacy WebIDs here and swap it to a MUST or remove completely.



Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2012 16:30:34 UTC