Re: #URIs and redirections

On Nov 29, 2012, at 05:17 PM, Henry Story wrote:
> In the case of the Apple keychain, there is a well known way to get that fixed: send them a bug report.

I wonder how many bug reports you've made to Apple?

I've logged a number of reports, over several years.

Fully reproducible, entirely valid, no argument about that.

To date, the only reports which have been reasonably resolved 
were about open source components bundled into Mac OS X, updates 
for which were released to the world long before those updates 
got into the Mac-bundled builds.  For the most part, these were
resolved with new major OS releases -- not dot-release patches,
so these resolutions are imperfect in my eyes, but your mileage 
may vary.

Some others have been closed due to deprecation of the components 
in question, given the intervening years of OS upgrades ... but
the issues in those components were never fixed, and anyone still
running with the older OS versions may still be hitting them.

> The reason it has not been fixed yet, is perhaps that you have not, and secondly that very very very few poepl e - including the Apple testers have thought of clicking on that link I presume. 

Presumptions are about as useful as untested assumptions.
Which is to say, not very.

URIs in the SAN work fine when they don't include "#", and
testing may well have been done with such URIs.  Testers may
well have tested with hashless URIs. Edge case testing requires 
thinking *far* outside the box.

The bottom line of what Kingsley and I are trying to say is --

When a user clicks on a URI with a hash in, they're
not going to get where the URI generator intended.

The user is going to have a bad experience thereby.

Mandating, or even strongly encouraging, hash URIs for WebID
will increase the odds of this bad experience for Mac users
who start to explore how this all works.

The WebID community saying "Yeah, that's Apple's fault, go
complain to them" is not going to encourage these users to
keep exploring or using WebID.

That will have a negative impact on WebID as a whole.

Other tools which exhibit similar issues may exist.  (We have
not tested exhaustively -- this one surfaced simply because 
Macs are in use on our desks.)

Lowering this speedbump is easily done by removing the MUST
or SHOULD regarding hash URIs.

Those who want to use hash URIs remain free to do so -- they
are not ruled out, nor even discouraged, by removing the MUST

I still don't understand why that is such a bad idea.


A: Yes.            
| Q: Are you sure?
| | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
| | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
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Received on Tuesday, 4 December 2012 17:01:19 UTC