Re: hash in WebID - cachability problem

On 12/4/12 8:06 AM, Henry Story wrote:
> I know those URIs are cacheable. That was not the point of the discussion. We were speaking about the cacheability of what you call the entitiy uris, (e.g.  ) which HTTPBis allows:
> HTTPBis says:
> "A 303 response SHOULD NOT be cached unless it is indicated as cacheable by Cache-Control or Expires header fields."
> I was just pointing out that DBPedia does not take that possibility into account, which it could.
> If you look at what I am saying, I am in fact giving you plenty of good ways to improve your arguments.

You don't cache Names, you cache Data.

Bye, again.



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Tuesday, 4 December 2012 14:11:11 UTC