Re: WebID and Tor

On 30 Apr 2012, at 22:51, Henry Story wrote:

> I was just hanging around in the CCCB offices in Berlin, and Jacob Applebaum [1] just
> walked in. So I used the opportunity to ask him how feasible using Tor Onion URLs
> with WebID would be. His answer was that he could not see any problem with it and
> that it should work. What the implications for it would be would be something to
> further to be determined, but he was very interested in the possibilities of 
> distributed access controlled social networks behind Tor. So its something that we 
> should seriously try to get working. If we could have something working for the next Chaos 
> Communication Congress [2] at Xmas, I think that we would have a material for
> a presentation that would get a lot of interest, and that would help us make
> some very good headway with the security and privacy experts.
> Henry
> [1]
> [2]

For java devs he told me this project was still in construction

but could be useful.


> Social Web Architect

Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 30 April 2012 21:10:52 UTC