Web History Timeline Project

Hi all,

a few folks here I know, some very well, others, hello.

Some may have heard Eric (Meyer) and my chat on "the web behind" last
week, which Eric mentioned on the CG wiki.


During that, I announced the Web History Timeline project, which I've
been working on, to create a more time/narrative based way of
exploring the ideas and technologies of the history of the web.


It's not about things like the launch of boo.com, but browsers,
servers and other software, languages, RFCs, specs, essays and
publications, and so on.
Breakthrough sites and applications, for example, the standards based
Wired redesign are also the sort of thing I'm thinking about.

It's very much a work in progress, and I'd love any and all suggestions.

If you've got thoughts, suggestions, etc, please drop me an email


or fill in this form




John Allsopp
Web Directions

Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2012 00:12:42 UTC