Re: Conference call next week

On 2/21/2018 10:16 AM, Levantovsky, Vladimir wrote:
> Mozilla included a comment as part of their response, where they 
> raised a question about one particular item in the implementation 
> report [1]. They noted that :
> “… the implementation report explains the User Agent non passing tests 
> "The remaining nonpassing tests are believed to be fixed by ...", it 
> would be good if the implementation report also explained why 
> "validation-off-012" [2] appears to have no passing implementation (is 
> it an optional feature? waiting for libraries to be updated? etc.) “ – 
> this would be a good topic for a final WOFF2 discussion next week.
Running the following on the Ubuntu for Windows 10 bash shell. There is 
no error from woff2_decompress, but ttx says there is not enough glyf data.

chris2@Nomad:~$ which woff2_decompress
chris2@Nomad:/mnt/c/Users/Chris$ woff2_decompress validation-off-012.woff2
chris2@Nomad:/mnt/c/Users/Chris$ ls -la *012*

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3616 Mar  7 15:49 validation-off-012.ttf
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1504 Mar  7 15:46 validation-off-012.woff2
chris2@Nomad:/mnt/c/Users/Chris$ which ttx
chris2@Nomad:/mnt/c/Users/Chris$ ttx validation-off-012.ttf
Dumping "validation-off-012.ttf" to "validation-off-012.ttx"...
Dumping 'GlyphOrder' table...
Dumping 'head' table...
Dumping 'hhea' table...
Dumping 'maxp' table...
Dumping 'OS/2' table...
Dumping 'hmtx' table...
Dumping 'VDMX' table...
Dumping 'cmap' table...
Dumping 'loca' table...
ERROR: An exception occurred during the decompilation of the 'glyf' table
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 426, in __getitem__
     table.decompile(data, self)
line 59, in decompile
     raise ttLib.TTLibError("not enough 'glyf' table data")
TTLibError: not enough 'glyf' table data
Dumping 'glyf' table...
Dumping 'name' table...
Dumping 'post' table...

Chris Lilley
Technical Director @ W3C
W3C Strategy Team, Core Web Design
W3C Architecture & Technology Team, Core Web & Media

Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2018 20:57:16 UTC