And when can we declare done and have a toast or 8?
On Mon, Oct 5, 2015, 5:07 PM Chris Lilley <> wrote:
> Hello Vlad,
> Monday, October 5, 2015, 11:10:09 PM, you wrote:
> > In preparation for the discussions at our telcon on Wednesday and
> > upcoming F2F next week I made the following changes:
> >
> > - WOFF2 spec – added a new UA conformance requirement in the end of
> > the section 4.2 “Collection directory format” [1] and its
> > description in UA test plan [2] to address open action 184;
> > - Updated the language of the hmtx transform to disallow null
> > transform [3];
> > - Added new test cases [4-7] covering new conformance requirements
> > for ‘hmtx’ table transform;
> These look great.
> Vlad, I made a few small editorial updates after your changes:
> - split the changes appendix into two, firstly the changes from FPWD
> to the latest published draft on /TR, and secondly the changes to the
> ED since the last /TR publication. This will help reviewers (and is
> needed for the next /TR publication)
> - updated the Brotli reference to draft-06 (it was draft-02, although
> the link given took you to the latest in any case).
> > At this point, I think that we at least have full CTS coverage as
> > far as test plans vs. spec are concerned and should be able to
> > finalize all the descriptions and update the status of the existing
> > tests at the F2F.
> Agreed.
> --
> Best regards,
> Chris Lilley
> Technical Director, W3C Interaction Domain