Re: [css-fonts] new generic font 'emoji'

On 21/08/2014 6:00 PM, "John Daggett" <> wrote:

> Part of the motivation here is that when Unicode defined a mapping
> of emoji characters into Unicode, it explicitly unified some of
> these with existing symbol codepoints. If an author relies on system
> font fallback to choose a font there's no guarantee an emoji font
> will be prioritized over a symbol font, since it's difficult for a
> user agent to distinguish between symbol vs. emoji usage. Specifying
> the 'emoji' value in a fontlist would prioritize the use of color
> glyphs for all codepoints covered by the emoji font.

How does this differ from fallback for any other Unicode block?

The reality is that its pot luck whether font fallback chooses an
appropriate font, this isn't unique for Emoji.

And rather than shoe horning emo

> Thoughts?
> Cheers,
> John Daggett
> Mozilla Japan
> [1]


Received on Thursday, 21 August 2014 11:52:23 UTC