Fantastic! Thank you for the quick replies John and Sergey!
I've updated the spreadsheet to include the following tables:
TrueType: acnt, avar, bdat, bloc, bsln, cvar, fdsc, feat, fmtx, fvar, gvar,
hsty, just, lcar, mort, morx, opbd, prop, trak, Zapf
Graphite: Silf, Glat, Gloc, Feat, Sill
Microsoft: MATH
Any more that we missed?
On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 5:31 PM, Sergey Malkin <>wrote:
> MATH table is missing from the list as well.
> Thanks,
> Sergey
> ------------------------------
> From: John Hudson
> Sent: 4/10/2014 4:32 PM
> To: David Kuettel;
> Subject: Re: WOFF 2.0: Known Table Tags Proposal
> On 10/04/14 3:53 PM, David Kuettel wrote:
> > What other key specifications are there?
> Apple's TrueType specification includes their AAT tables e.g. 'mort'
> SIL's Graphite layout has five tables:
> J.