I am tentatively planning to attend, but can't make a firm promise right
On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 10:56 AM, John Hudson <tiro@tiro.com> wrote:
> -Confirming your participation in the face-to-face meeting in Portland
>> on August 22^nd and the time preferences (all day, afternoon only, etc.)
> Yes. Prefer afternoon only, as I want to attend Kevin Larson's education
> forum talk in the morning.
> -Your availability for today’s telcon and issues you would like to raise
>> as part of the agenda.
> Yes, I can make the call. I'd like to talk informally about Adam's ideas
> re. recommendations for OT data in WOFF 2.0 and, more generally, about how
> the working group sees its future: as a maintenance crew for WOFF, or as
> pursuing new initiatives.
> J.