Using "xml:lang" attribute in empty element

Hi Liam,

As you know, WOFF metadata contains some empty elements (such as <vendor>, <credit>) where the end-user info is provided using attributes.
One of the LC comments submitted from the I18N WG ( brings up the issue of localization of content for these elements. With elements like credit - we can address this by adding xml:lang attributes to the parent <credits> element, but it is not clear what the result would be if the same is done for an element that doesn't have a parent.

What would be the result of e.g. adding xml:lang to <vendor> element:
<vendor xml:lang="en" name="Font Vendor" url="" />
Would it have an effect on the content of the 'name' attribute? Can this be used to localize the content of the attributes (other than 'lang')?

Thank you,

Received on Friday, 21 January 2011 21:28:55 UTC