Re: WOFF and extended metadata

Erik van Blokland wrote:

> The only failing use cases are for things that you suggested to add. 
> Dropping the meta data will greatly reduce the support the proposal has 
> at the foundries and it would move the discussion back a year. I'm not 
> sure that's a good way to go.

Standard metadata is definitely one of the key selling points of WOFF 
for font makers and at least some of our customers. Uncertainty over the 
structure of metadata *extension* shouldn't have any impact on normative 
definition or acceptance of what I'll call core metadata.

A metadata extension mechanism is going to be important, because beyond 
the fairly obvious core metadata set that addresses what font makers 
have identified as desirable none of us can anticipate what might seem 
useful or necessary as the web font environment evolves. There is 
already some discussion among font makers regarding what data belongs at 
the container level and what at the font level, and that question isn't 
likely to be fully resolved within the framework of WOFF 1.0 


Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2010 16:58:29 UTC