Let's get going on the Touch Events / Pointer Events mapping

Hi All,

We agreed to produce a document regarding mapping Touch Events to/from 
Pointer Events and I'd like to get moving on this mapping.

Rick - would you be willing to lead this effort? Last year you sent some 
related information to the list [1]. There could also be some relevant 
information in your Issues with Touch Events document [2], as well as 
some relevant work in various JS toolkits (e.g. see [3]). We can also 
ask the Pointer Events group for input.

Since this WG's charter ends November 15, I would like the mapping doc 
to get started as soon as possible. Perhaps it would be useful to start 
with a Table of Contents and to get volunteers to contribute to various 
sections ...

Regarding how to document the mapping, I don't recall us coming to an 
agreement. One option is a "Working Group Note". Another option is to 
use a wiki. An advantage of using a wiki doc is that it can be easily 
updated and evolved as we gain more experience with the integration of 
these two events.

Who can commit to helping with this effort?

-Thanks, AB

[3] <http://jswiki.org/touch.html>

Received on Friday, 11 October 2013 12:26:42 UTC