Re: Expand of WG’s Target Input Devic es - related new chater

On Nov 1, 2011, at 9:37 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 5:37 AM, João Eiras <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 23:53:26 +0100, 전종홍 <> wrote:
>>> 2) Gamepad [related :
>>> ]
>> I don't see any special needs for gamepad specific events. These can be
>> easily supported using standard key events plus the joystick API. Plus, the
>> keyIdentifier property of keyboard events can return the typical key names
>> (A, B, C, D, Select, Enter, L1, L2, R1, R2, etc).
> Incorrect.  Modern games and controllers use analog buttons, while key
> events assume digital buttons.  One could potentially extend normal
> key events to return analog data, but unless we expect standard
> keyboards to actually support that sort of thing, it's probably better
> to handle it specially within the Gamepad API.

I agree. But the very fact that the input data is between the mentioned input
devices (Joystick, Gamepad, and Racing wheels) are getting more and more
aligned, I think it makes sense to group them into a single specification that
can cover all three.

The catch here is probably the fact that analog input (analog sticks and wheels,
not buttons) won't fly on a event driven specification due to massive amount of
events that the listener will have to deal with. (unless the specification strongly
suggests usage of workers, but I'm a bit skeptical about that approach) 

A polling mechanism _could_ work, although not very elegant.

This was discussed in today's meeting, and [1] the minutes are public - we agreed to
remove certain items mentioned in this thread as out of scope.


Sangwhan Moon, Opera Software ASA
XMPP: | Mobile: +372-5971-6147

Received on Tuesday, 1 November 2011 22:04:29 UTC