A workshop on evolving digital literacies and how to educate to the Web
Sharing experiences and developing community <>
Workshop Date: April 11th or April 12th 2016*
Workshop Timing: Half Day
Hosting venue:  WWW 2016 Conference - Montreal
Host venue website: <>
Venue location: Palais des Congrès de Montréal, Montréal, QC
April 11th - April 15th 2016
*Official WWW 2016 program will be released in the next couple of weeks.  
Present experiences; build theory, share good practice and innovative ideas!
We accept position papers and poster abstracts of up to two pages!
Important dates:
Submission deadline: Friday January 25th, 2016
Notification of acceptance: Monday January 30th, 2016
Deadline for camera-ready paper: Friday February 5th, 2016
Relevance and Motivation
This workshop is the first Web Education / Digital Literacies workshop to be held at a WWW Conference. The dynamics of Web Education and Digital Literacies are among today's most important issues surrounding the development of the Web as an efficient, safe and universal information system.
Too often Web education is understood as teaching web technologies or development techniques. However, teaching the Web itself in all its various aspects has become essential to our understanding of the role of the Web in every dimension of human activity and developing better understandings of its mechanisms for the user.
A wide range of disciplines including sociology, economics, political studies, health and management science have integrated courses and specializations to teach the Web, its nature, its realities, its impact its evolution and its integration into every dimension of human activity.
We are keen to encourage a very broad community of participants. Whether you are a professor involved in digital literacy programs or courses, a consultant empowering employees in a company, a student or faculty in an interdisciplinary program or an activist in an NGO teaching the Web to kids, you're invited to submit your proposals to be presented at the Web Education Workshop.
Themes for this half-day workshop include:
Designing Web Education / Digital Literacy
Courses and programs design
Important aspects of Web Education teaching methodology
Learning resources
Activity design
Delivering Web Education
Experiences in various disciplines (Web Science, Internet Science or Digital Humanities)
Teaching the Web in interdisciplinary courses or programs
Students / Faculties Testimonies
Empowering people with digital literacy
Initiatives in the professional environment
Teaching the Web to kids
Building the Web Education Community
Propositions for community building projects
The main goals of the workshop are to:
Reflect on the current state of Web Education and digital literacy teaching initiatives in the world
Identify the variety of practices in Web Education across different countries, contexts and educational systems
Find coherence between different approaches to Web Science education
Identify key objectives for this community of practice and establish a roadmap for future activities
Workshop format:
The structure of the sessions will be short presentations followed by plenary discussion.
The emphasis during the workshop will be participative, involving group discussion, shared insights and community building, rather than simply the presentation of individual papers.
Each session will have a lead discussant and a rapporteur whose task it is to stimulate the discussion and help shape the discourse to make useful contributions to the final plenary.
Presentation / Participation format:
Paper submissions:  Attendees whose position papers are accepted will be invited to make a 6:20 presentation to the workshop in the form of a pecha-kucha (20 image slides of 20 seconds each).
Poster submissions:  Attendees will give a two-minute poster pitch prior to the poster session when there will be an opportunity for all participants to view and discuss the content.
How and what to Submit?
Content: position paper or poster abstract
File type: Word or PDF document
Length: Maximum 2 pages
Language: English Language
Specified layout: Submissions should be formatted according to the official ACM SIG proceedings template: <>
Please make use of the ACM 1998 classification scheme <>
Submission website: submit papers using Easy Chair: <>
The submission and review process
All submissions will be handled via Easy Chair: <>
Position papers and poster abstracts will be peer-reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Papers will be selected against the following criteria:
* Relevance to the chosen theme
* Contribution to the field
Dates: a reminder
* Submission deadline: Jan 25th, 2016
* Notification of acceptance: Jan 30th, 2015
Pecha-kucha: the phrase is derived from the Japanese for chitchat. The presentation will consist of 20 image slides of 20 seconds each. This format has been used successfully in past web science conferences.  If you don’t yet know very much about Pecha-kuchas then you may find the following useful. Pecha-Kucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. It has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world, inspiring creative worldwide. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of "chit chat", it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. It's a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace. <>
You might also find this article from the Wired archive interesting <>
ACM classification
To newcomers, especially those from outside the general ACM community the required classification can be quite a daunting part of the submission process and it's probably true for quite a few established hands as well.
Here are a few guidelines: Web science, generally, is classified as miscellaneous depending of the pitch of your submission it might be that you can choose another general classification. The different themes on which the workshop is focused can be classified as subcategories and also as keywords, for example:
If you are talking about course design, you might use the following:
H.3.5 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Online Information Services
General Terms: Management, Documentation, Economics, Human Factors, Theory, Legal Aspects.
Keywords: Online Education; Course design
If you’re talking about web literacy curriculum, it could be classified as follows:
K.3.2 [Computing Milieu] Computer and Information Science Education
General Terms: Documentation, Design, Human Factors, Standardization.
Keywords: Web Literacy Curriculum, Web Education
Hope that helps, and as we said before look forward to receiving your submission via EasyChair: <>

The Chairs
Su White, University of Southampton - UK
Kristine Gloria, RPI / MIT - USA
Stéphane Bazan, Saint-Joseph University – Lebanon
Contact us <>

Received on Tuesday, 12 January 2016 11:27:41 UTC