RE: Positioning document for web ed learning material

I agree as well. The caution (which I suspect we all know) is that some sites are still tied primarily to individuals (isn't the project of Chris Coyier with the occasional guest?).

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Schalk Neethling []
> Chris,
> I whole heartily agree with you, using perhaps community created resources,
> or lists would be a better fit than pointing out individuals.
> Schalk
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Mills" <>
> Thanks Schalk - this of course brings up another point. Do we want to add to
> the resource lists to include "recommended celeb lists"? ie. recommended
> people to follow to keep up with the latest?
> Would we end up with the web-erati queueing up to get on the list? What
> would happen if we struck someone off the list?
> It would be better to stick to resources rather than individuals, for just this
> reason, imo.

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2012 13:44:16 UTC