Re: W3C WebED in Russian

Hello there!

Thank you for your mail. We would love you to start translating the W3C WebEd articles into Russian. When Opera first published the web standards curriculum, there was a Russian translation made, but it was structured using really bad markup, so therefore not a good resource. Perhaps you could use it as a base, and improve on it, if you can find it? I can't find it now.

If you want to start a Russian translation project, I would be more than happy to set you up with a Wiki page to host it on, and a Russian mailing list. And then we could work together to find some more interested Russian web devs? It would be a lot do on your own ;-)

Best regards,

Chris Mills
Open standards evangelist and editor, Opera Software
Co-chair, web education community group, W3C

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On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:29, Александр Батолло wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> Heard W3C open a local office in Russia, Moscow. I am a student and a web developer in Russia. I have my own open project wich aim is to spred a word about latest open web standarts for Russian students and people new to web dev. I would love to help WebED CG with anything I can. In particulary I'd like to start translatating W3C WebED community wiki. Please, let me know, if that is possible.
> -- 
> С уважением,
> Александр Батолло

Received on Monday, 20 February 2012 10:48:37 UTC