Re: Introduction: Alexander Dawson

On 27 Sep 2011, at 07:24, Alexander Dawson wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I heard about this group a couple of days ago from Andrew Cooper and decided to hop aboard. I'm passionate about improving the education standards for Web workers worldwide, and the proposals outlined for this group closely match what I'd been wishing the W3C would get involved in, so hopefully I'll be able to contribute something useful to this community! I'm a self-taught, freelance Web Designer. I already write for a number of industry sites, have authored some books on Web design, and have participated in a couple of other projects (alongside starting a few of my own which are being built as we speak).

Hi Alexander, great to have you on board!

FYI folks - sorry things have been a bit slow so far, but myself, Doug and Ben have been so busy the last few weeks, getting our day jobs in order so we can dedicate time to moving this forward. I will start moving it forward in earnest this week.

In the meantime, please look at the Wiki, which houses our projects:

This page has an ideas playground at the bottom, where you can record any ideas you have for future work you think we should do. Feel free to add ideas.

The individual project pages, eg, contain (or will soon contain) activities related to those projects. "Learning material" is the only one currently that has activities put under it. If you want to work on one of those activities, please let me know.

Also worth looking at are the Project pages on the right hand side of the main page at I am looking to list members of each project here, so have a look and let me know which ones you would most like to contribute to, in general.

Later on this week I will list more activities on the Wiki, and start gently persuading (bullying) people to get to work on them




Received on Tuesday, 27 September 2011 09:01:14 UTC