Re: Outreach Activity - Opera Campus Crew and W3C

I would also like to say a big thanks to you Ankit, for running such a great event. IT is through events like this that we shall really start to get our messages and resources across to teachers and students.

Chris Mills
Open standards evangelist and editor, Opera Software
Co-chair, web education community group, W3C

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On 21 Nov 2011, at 22:14, Anna Brandt wrote:

> Dear Ankit,
> this is a really impressive event! Congratulations on pulling this off :)
> In addition to what you have already described below, would it be possible for you to share even more about what you did to organize and run the event, what you believed it achieved and what you would do differently next time? This would be very useful to other members planning to hold similar events.
> It looks as if you have already begun to create a community of students interested in changing the way things are being done. Do you have any plans to try to build this community further and implement some of the suggested changes in your school?
> Keep up the great work,
> Anna
> P.S.: Feel free to share your presentation with the rest of the group :).
> On Sat, 19 Nov 2011 14:47:53 +0200, Ankit Bahuguna <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As a part of the campus crew member of Opera and a contributor to the W3
>> community, i presented a tech talk at Arya College of Engineering and I.T ,
>> Jaipur Rajasthan, India on 11.11.2011  to an audience of 240+ students from
>> the computer science and engineering background. This was my second
>> activity for the Opera Campus Crew but the first activity as a W3C
>> Community member.
>> The pictures of the session are attached with this. The theme of the tech
>> talk was "Open the Web". The session also included the following:
>>   1. Opera and W3C - Background Information + how they have shaped up the
>>   modern day Internet.
>>   2. Opera Products and their features (Introduction to Opera Mini and the
>>   Mobile Web)
>>   3. Web standards and Opera's Role
>>   4. W3C Standards and Specifications
>>   5. Introduction to Web Development and how the Developers must be aware
>>   about the latest web standards
>>   6. Resources for the students to learn more about the web and how to
>>   proceed to get a successful career in web development.
>> I was really glad to see the response of all the students who attended the
>> tech talk. And they also came up with some nice ideas to improve upon the
>> existing mechanisms involved in web learning. I would like to mention a few
>> here:
>>   - "Where to begin?" - This question is the core for each and every
>>   beginner. I think its necessary to make the initial learning experience as
>>   smooth as possible. I mean The basic layout should be clear precise and not
>>   too complex. If we can give such an interface to our learners they can
>>   adapt to it better. Sometimes too much text at the beginning may make the
>>   matter worse.
>>   - Full Preview of the Course Content - Proceeding towards a more
>>   specific language for development, the preview must be given as to the
>>   scope of how the things will pan out in each subsequent section. This will
>>   make the idea clear as to why the current subject mater is important and
>>   what will be the practical application for the same.
>>   - More Examples/Site References - I dont know how much it is feasible,
>>   but more example means more code to look at and observe. So the examples
>>   should be visual and of high grade so the concept associated with it
>>   becomes clear and the grasping too becomes strong.
>>   - Practice Problems/Exercises - Whenever a concept is taught its
>>   necessary to provide with practice problems so that the concepts can be
>>   applied there and then. As the nature of programming gives more emphasis on
>>   programming, it is necessary to include this in the curriculum.
>>   - Make Learning Fun - This can be done via games which test the basic
>>   knowledge of the learners by use of simple and visually appealing
>>   programs.
>> I hope my assessment was useful and my activity proved to be beneficial for
>> the audience. I look forward to so similar activities to another set of
>> students in the coming future in colleges and unversity i am associated
>> with.
> -- 
> Anna Brandt
> Partner Marketing Manager
> Opera Software
> +47 46 25 60 08
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Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 15:12:41 UTC