Introduction Masataka Yakura


At the breakout session on web developers documentation in the Plenary
day, Doug asked the room to join the group. So here I come :)

I'm Masataka. I work for a Japanese web agency Mitsue-Links for more
than 5 years doing some evangelism work; blogging about HTML5, CSS3
and Co. [1], having some talks on HTML5 [2], writing a monthly column
for a Japanese magazine Web Designing, and so on.

For Japanese web designers/developers, English (I mean here
non-Japanese) is... headache. I'd liked to help them. So I started
translate some English documents into Japanese, including W3C specs
[3], some articles at Dev.Opera including WSC [4]. I've worked as
'translation supervisor' for a couple of books including Japanese
version of HTML5: Up and Running.

So, in this group my focus is prolly gonna translation of new/renewed
articles in the curriculum. It seems there are plans for creating a
sub-group for localization. I'd happy to help.

I currently live in Tokyo. Before that I've lived in Seattle, WA for
about 4 years.

Being off-work, I still spend a lot of time on the web. I'm a staff
member of [5], the largest HTML5 community in Japan.

For free time, I write things about web stuff. [6] These are all
written in Japanese but I recently started posting web platform
updates at my Google+ [7]; this is like what Karl does on the W3C QA
Blog, but much shorter than his.



Masataka Yakura

Received on Monday, 7 November 2011 07:27:09 UTC