FW: Ideas and Updates


I did look through the "Think Web" idea, however, it seemed more orientated toward the delivery of presentations and training (from the groups advocacy viewpoint) whereas my idea is focused upon the follow-up of such meetings to help empower those undertaking training (by way of generally available materials that participating "trainee's" could refer to). Essentially it appears to me as two sides of the same coin: "Think Web" covering how to train people and get the educators convinced, and the "WebED Trainer Pack" offering materials to aid those being trained or preparing to adopt the WSC. They would ideally work in unison, if that makes sense. Either way, I'm happy to work on those once we know where we're at RE your issue ironing ;)

In the meantime I could build up a list of materials which might be produced to give us a roadmap for Think Web and the WebED-TP.

> ----------------------------------------
> > From: cmills@opera.com
> > Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 10:11:53 -0700
> > CC: public-webed@w3.org
> > To: alex@hitechy.com
> > Subject: Re: Ideas and Updates
> >
> > Alexander,
> >
> > Hear hear - I entirely agree! I have been milling a similar idea around for a while now - see http://www.w3.org/community/webed/wiki/Main_Page#Train_the_trainers.2C_or_.22Think_web.22
> >
> > Let me know what you think of the approach I have outlined. I would be more than happy for you to pick up my work and develop it, or develop something from scratch. But I definitely think we need a small group to work on such a resource.
> >
> > BTW, apologies that things have been moving slowly. Things have stalled because of a few internal discussions inside W3C management on how to proceed. I am currently at the W3C TPAC meeting in California, where one of my primary objectives has been to iron out these issues and get things moving forward again.
> >
> > Once I am back in the UK next week, I will report on where we are at, and work out a plan for getting the cogs moving!
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Chris
> >
> > On 2 Nov 2011, at 09:59, Alexander Dawson wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Hi Everyone!
> > > It's a bit quiet around here so I thought I'd kick things off by putting an idea out into the open which could potentially move things forward. I've been thinking about the "train the trainers" aspect of the WebED program and how we can convince individuals to take up either training or allowing the materials we produce to be taught in a classroom environment. And I've come up with what I'm loosely calling the "WebED Trainer Pack".
> > > Essentially, we all know that talking to academic groups and individuals will make the difference between any curriculum getting accepted or not, and I don't think it's fair that we should send in our willing volunteers empty handed. So I'm proposing we put together some materials that trainers can print out or distribute on a CD (or offer up for download on the site) which explains the benefits of a qualification or curriculum set by us. This allows us to avoid pressure selling and gives those we approach something to take away from the meetings (so acceptance isn't on the back of an individual representing the group). I've added the idea with some basic details to the Wiki in the Playground - all feedback and expansion is welcome.
> > > Other than that, I've spotted a couple of groups someone may want to approach RE outreach: O'Reilly's School of Technology (http://www.oreillyschool.com/) and this group featured in .NET Magazine who seem to be on the same track as us (http://www.netmagazine.com/features/birth-huge-ux-school), they're both pretty representative of the industry in trying an alternative mode of education.
> > > Alex
> >
> >

Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2011 18:20:32 UTC