RE: research about web design education in the UK


I am a professional who guest lectures at 5 local colleges and
universities, and sits on the advistory committee for the programs at
two of them, along with involvement at the high school level.

If it helps, I agree that web devs are often critical of the education
available. I have taken the approach that all these programs should be
feeders to my company -- that ideally I want these programs to produce
students I want to hire. It helps inform the feedback I give when I
speak at the classes and when I help with curriculum questions.

I think your research idea is interesting and I'd be interested in
applying your research locally, I would also love to see what programs
involve full-time professionals and what their level of involvement is.
Can that be included in your research? Does that sound like it might
have value to you?

Or anyone else here?

Adrian Roselli

-----Original Message-----
From: Helen Kennedy [] 
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 9:51 AM

Hello web education group

I'm an academic in the UK who has been researching web design for some
time, as well as teaching it and doing it now and again. I'm interested
in researching the state of web design education in the UK in 2012, and
Chris Mills suggested that I should post to the list to let everyone
know my plans and thoughts. 

In my experience, field leading web designers are often critical of web
design education, and their criticisms are often based on their own
experiences, or the experiences of friends and fellow web designers. It
seems to me that in order to be able to comment accurately on the state
of web design education, we should research it, find out where it is
being taught, in what kinds of departments, by what kinds of people with
what kinds of experiences, and what kinds of things constitute the
curriculum. We should find out the extent to which web standards and web
accessibility are integral to the web design curriculum. These are some
of the things that I'm hoping to explore through a small-scale research
project, probably focused on some UK countries in the first instance. 

If anyone is interested in knowing more, drop me a line. I'll update the
list when I get things under way.


Dr Helen Kennedy
Senior Lecturer in New Media, Institute of Communications Studies,
University of Leeds

Received on Monday, 19 December 2011 15:22:06 UTC