Re: WebCrypto edits on key material (Option 2)

On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 2:01 AM, GALINDO Virginie <> wrote:

> Ryan,
> When you say “we don’t have interoperable implementations”.
> Does this apply still if we remove the key material format as offered by
> option 2, as announced [1]?
> Regards,
> Virginie
> [1]


I thought this was clear to the chairs and staff contacts, but we really,
really don't have interoperability, and the discussion of key formats shows
a lack of interest by other UAs to work towards a solution.

Here's two examples just because I've run into them in the past few weeks:
- Firefox doesn't support WorkerCrypto (and it's unclear whether Safari
does either)
- Firefox accepts keys that Safari/Chrome reject (non-minimal encodings)

Both of these issues caused interop issues when people working on code for
Chrome, and ended up surfacing as Chrome issues. And while it sounds like
I'm picking on Firefox, it's been clear that Safari doesn't support a
number of the algorithm's spec'd and, given that it's been two years since
those files were last touched, is unclear whether they will.

We also know that the W3C's recommended path (which I would suggest doesn't
really have browser support so much as no comments by browsers, a very
important distinction) will cause real interoperability with sites, and so
browsers are unlikely to take the spec-recommended path. At best, we're
fragmenting the spec in order to satisfy an arbitrary timeline, which
itself is being missed because user agents are non-responsive towards

And this is setting aside that there are undoubtedly a host of hidden
interoperability issues that have yet to be discovered, simply because we
lack any form of consistent testing (where consistent I mean with respect
to the spec's claims). As such, it's unclear whether the spec is overly
specific or overly general, nor what the correct course of action is. Heck,
there was still ambiguity with respect to how error messages are propogated
to developers.

I want to see forward progress on this spec, but I don't think forward
progress is measured by publication timelines. If other user agents have
lost an interest to work on this spec, then hopefully they'll make it
clear. Otherwise, what we have in the spec isn't reflective of reality, and
we should just try to spec the few bits of interoperability we already have
and shut down the WG, since it's clear no further forward progress will be
made. But that's not just "removing key formats" from the spec, that's a
vastly different thing entirely.

Received on Monday, 18 January 2016 18:29:43 UTC