[Bug 29437] New: Parsing a JWK can have side-effects if not done very carefully
[Bug 29437] Parsing a JWK can have side-effects if not done very carefully
[Bug 29438] JSON.stringify as invoked by wrapKey can have side-effects depending on what you pass it
[Bug 29438] New: JSON.stringify as invoked by wrapKey can have side-effects depending on what you pass it
[W3C Web Crypto WG] charter extension by 6 months
[W3C Web Crypto WG] minutes of our call on 22nd of Feb
[W3C Web Crypto WG] Take away from our call on 22nd of February
[W3C Web Crypto] Call for consensus -> moving to github
[W3C Web Crypto] CfC to get back to conf call working method ? (please answer before the 2nd of february)
[W3C Web Crypto] CfC to get back to conf call working method ? --> yes and next call on 15th of february
[Web Crypto WG] Our next call delayed by one week -> 22nd of February @ 20:00 UTC
Allowing web crypto on non secure origin
crypto-ACTION-155: Talk with microsoft and mozilla
Don't forget - WebCrypto WG telecons re-starting: Feb 22nd (Monday) at 8:00 UTC - agenda included
General update on CR and test-suite
Informal meeting over testing tomorrow (Monday 8:00 PM UTC)
Key Sizes
Test suite editors
Last message date: Monday, 29 February 2016 20:15:01 UTC