Bug #23500 - Raw AES Access

Take #2 on this issue.


Looking at things last night, as long as we don't have a streaming mode of
operation, it does not appear that using a ECB mode is going to be any more
efficient than using either CBC or CTR as the basis for building something
like an SIV mode.  Since one is going to need to create a new encrypt
Promise for each block in order to chain things together.


Since this means that currently the only way to  be use ECB mode in an
efficient manner is to use it as ECB, I would say that we should not include
it.  It might however be worth having a note about how to use CTR mode to
build new modes in the future in script.  


This decision would then be re-visited when we have streaming as a primitive




Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2014 17:44:15 UTC