Program Committee for v.Next WebCrypto Workshop?

I sent this email out once before, but now that we're settling on dates 
(looks like Sept 10-11th), I need to make sure we have a program 
committee for the workshop. We want as many people from the existing 
WebCrypto Working Group to be involved as possible. Who's up for it?

The job of the program committee will be to review position papers 
(probably 2-3 papers, 1-2 pages a piece - likely 2-3 hours work) and 
help set an agenda.
That will happen over one, possibly two, teleconferences separate from 
normal WebCrypto telecons. Your name will be listed on the web-page of 
the workshop as part of the program committee. The goal of the workshop 
is to gain consensus on a rechartering of the existing WebCrypto work 
once Web Crypto 1.0 has stabilized.


Received on Friday, 18 April 2014 15:57:46 UTC