RE: [extractability] JOSE IANA attribute registration

There are two different things that need to be done in order to get the new
extractability attribute registered


First the registry must be established.  This is currently being done in the
JWK draft (draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key) for various reasons, not the least
is to get non contentious documents out of the door, I am going to gtry and
get a focus on getting this document out sooner than the rest of the
documents.   We can get the IANA registry created as soon as the document
passes the IESG without any problems, it does not have to get to final
publication first.  I currently believe this should be completed this year.


The second is to define and register the new attribute(s).  This would
basically be a Web Crypto WG activity.  The attribute would have to be
defined in a document that is on track to be published (or actually
published).  A request would then be sent to IANA via the JSON registry
review mailing list.  After an appropriate review period by the designated
experts the registration would be done.


Basically a document would have the registration template from JWK for each
of the attributes being defined along with  description of how that
attribute is to be used.





From: GALINDO Virginie [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 7:54 AM
To:; Jim Schaad
Subject: [extractability] JOSE IANA attribute registration


Hi Karen, Jim,

Just thinking about the process in case we need an extractability attribute
to be registered at IANA, in the JOSE registry. 

Could you please clarify to the W3C Web Crypto WG what would be the process,
organizations involved and predicted timeline ?




Received on Thursday, 22 August 2013 15:30:51 UTC