Re: crypto-ISSUE-21: Requiring Content-Security-Policy [Web Cryptography API]


I'm not sure, but I *think* requiring CSP might break some of my uses
cases. If you're going to go ahead with this notion of requiring CSP,
then I'll have to read and think about it more and try to figure out
if this would be a problem for me, and if it would then I'll have to
try to explain why.

But, if you'll just leave it out of the spec, then I won't have to do
that, and likewise all the implementers and users of the spec will
also have one less thing to think about. :-)

Okay, so I just ordered a copy of Zalewski's "The Tangled Web" ¹ to
help me understand this stuff better.

But, please, as a favor to over-worked and under-educated people like
myself, could we omit things that don't have a really compelling "WE
MUST HAVE THIS NOW!" flavor to them?





Received on Monday, 27 August 2012 20:09:37 UTC