W3C Web Crypto WG - call for WG participants to review the draft API before FPWD

Dear all,

The Web Crypto WG will go to First Public Working Draft in two weeks. And this is a kind reminder for WG participants to review the draft API. This call is specially oriented to the participants who do not attend regularly calls : this is your chance to give your general feedback and suggest improvements to editors. Any new look to the API will definitely help making progress.

Your comments are expected for Monday 27th of August and should be in the following shape :

-          Short description of the problem

-          Suggestion of resolution (improving wording or improving technical solution or creating an issue)

-          Suggestion of text for wording, technical solution, issue

Thanks for making sure the API reflect the actual view of a large WG participants.

Chair of the Web Crypto WG

Received on Thursday, 23 August 2012 08:41:03 UTC