> I can't seem to find any examples of the following keys so I can test
> them on importKey:
> 1) ECDH raw pubic key
You could form one by exporting an EC key to JWK, and then concatenating
the "x" and "y" fields (after base64-decoding)... Or at least that is what
I assume X9.62 describes it as.
Not sure about other implementations, but for Chrome raw EC key
import/export is waiting for a resolution of:
2) DH pkcs8 private key
> 3) CONCAT raw key
> 4) HKDF-CTR raw key
For the KDFs the "raw key" can be whatever bytes you want.
In regards to "HKDF-CTR" see:
Chrome has implemented "HKDF" (RFC 5869) rather than "HKDF-CTR".
Does anyone have example keys that I can include in the live table so
> those tests can run properly?
> Thanks and would love feedback/pull requests.
> Daniel Roesler