HMAC-MD5 support


Is there any reason why HMAC-MD5 support is not in the list of 
acceptable algorithms? I'm presently building a SASL client 
implementation for use within email clients that relies on the Web 
Crypto API to implement the various crypto-backed challenge-response 
authentication mechanisms. However, I need HMAC-MD5 support to properly 
implement the CRAM-MD5 mechanism (cf. 
<>), which is by far the most 
commonly-supported of these challenge-response protocols in my survey of 
largest email domains.

I'm aware that MD5 is no longer secure against collision attacks, but 
HMAC-MD5 does not (to my knowledge) rely on collision resistance, so 
HMAC-MD5 does not seem to warrant exclusion merely on the basis that it 
is insecure.

Joshua Cranmer
Thunderbird and DXR developer
Source code archæologist

Received on Monday, 23 February 2015 18:18:28 UTC