WebAuth for testing on Android

Hi All,

WebAuth is something I started years ago with the aim creating a replacement
for TLS CCA (Client Certificate Authentication), since the latter has numerous of
short-comings (at least when used in a browser), that appears to be unresolvable;
there's not even a logout function.  WebAuth is essentially a "compilation" of
dozens of similar schemes used in Europe.

Because WebAuth wasn't conceived yesterday it is shrouded in XML rather than JSON:

Could WebCrypto do the same things as WebAuth?  Currently not, but it might in
the future.  I'm personally leaning towards keeping a TLS CCA plugin-replacement
because it is such a major use-case.

You may find WebAuth when using QR code as challenge/URL-trigger a bit fun
as a PKI-based counterpart to traditional OTP tokens.  I call it "QR ID".  It shares
the phishing issue with OTP but not the awkwardness and limited entropy.

WebAuth is only a very small part of the PoC system downloadable from:

The demo-site's enrollment process which "clones" your Google account ID and depends
on a device ID for pre-authorization, is just one of many ways provisioning the platform.


Received on Saturday, 13 July 2013 13:24:36 UTC