Key Provisioning in Web Crypto

I believe the core Web Crypto API represent a very fine piece of engineering.

One thing bothers me though and that is that the key generation/provisioning mechanisms
in the current version of Web Crypto doesn't appear to provide anything above what is offered
by <keygen> (Apple[OSX only]/Google/Mozilla) and CertEnroll (Microsoft), which both have
received a close to a 100% reject by for example the financial industry.

That the latter haven't spurred any action in for example Redmond is because US banks
have never gotten the grip on consumer authentication and "unusual" requirement from
foreign markets doesn't really count :-)

However, I'm apparently not the only person who doesn't accept status quo; Google's
recently launched Gnubby scheme

adds quite a bunch of missing functionality and also seems to be a *direct replacement*
of Web Crypto's key generation/storage method.

FWIW, I'm pretty convinced that various non-standard "SOP emulation" schemes
(like Samuel Erdtman's super-simple X.509-based extension concept), will long-term
be more important for usage with Web Crypto than the "native" key generation which
probably is more suitable for creating ephemeral keys in protocols.

Some of these systems will also "reintegrate" and unite the platform with respect to
key provisioning and key storage.  There's hardly an advantage having 3 different
systems for managing and storing keys like in Android.  A key is a key :-)


Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2013 03:18:53 UTC