P.S. Re: WebCGM 2.1 Relax NG schema asked Fwd: [Draft] Response to Last Call comment

Oops, I meant to include this:


At 09:18 AM 1/25/2010 -0700, Lofton Henderson wrote:
>Dear Mohamed,
>I am writing on behalf of the WebCGM WG to acknowledge and thank you for 
>your contribution of a draft Relax NG schema for WebCGM 2.1.  We will add 
>this to the WG's agenda for future attention.  (Presently, we are focusing 
>on the last steps to Recommendation for WebCGM 2.1).
>FYI, we have had another contribution, in XML Schema language.  This also 
>is on our future agenda, and has not yet received any focused WG attention.
>Best Regards,
>-Lofton Henderson.
>At 09:43 PM 1/23/2010 +0100, Innovimax SARL wrote:
>>Please find a very rough first contribution to a Relax NG compact schema 
>>based on the DTD based on the data available here  [1]
>>Please note that the extension mechanism used here is very similar to the 
>>one used in the DTD
>>Please also note that the data typed could be further detailled here
>>This is supposed to have very similar behaviour as the DTD in terms of 
>>validation results
>>It could provide a start for providing more precise validation into next 
>>Best regards,
>>Mohamed ZERGAOUI
>>On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Innovimax SARL 
>><<mailto:innovimax@gmail.com>innovimax@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Here is a now official exchange on WebCGM (which is also an OASIS and
>>ISO Standard)
>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>From: Lofton Henderson <<mailto:lofton@rockynet.com>lofton@rockynet.com>
>>Date: Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 4:06 PM
>>Subject: [Draft] Response to Last Call comment
>>To: <mailto:innovimax@gmail.com>innovimax@gmail.com
>>Cc: <mailto:public-webcgm@w3.org>public-webcgm@w3.org
>>1 == moving forward with XML Schema or Relax NG ==
>>Sticking to DTD to define a XML dialect is neither sufficient neither
>>a way to widespread the use of this XML dialect. For that, I ask the
>>WG to consider providing normative XML Schema and/or Relax NG schema
>>of the XCF model. It will help adoption especially because XCF uses
>>RESPONSE to your first comment:
>>The WebCGM Working Group (WG) agrees that WebCGM could potentially
>>benefit by addition of a normative schema -- XML Schema or Relax NG.
>>Unfortunately, this proposal is beyond the scope of this 2nd LCWD
>>review, and it is deemed to be too late in the WebCGM 2.1 development
>>cycle. Ideally, such a proposal would have been included in the WebCGM
>>2.1 Requirements, or before 1st LCWD review at latest. The
>>implementation of such a proposal would involve major disruption of
>>the WebCGM 2.1 text -- removal of the DTD and complete rewriting of
>>Chapter 4 (at least). Since it does not address an error in the
>>specification, or a serious defect, or violation of any W3C
>>requirement, the WG believes that the proposal should be postponed
>>until a future WebCGM development cycle.
>>As an interim step, the WG thinks that a non-normative Technical Note,
>>separate from the progression of 2.1 WebCGM, might be an interesting
>>approach. The WG would also welcome an initial contribution, if you
>>have interest in making such.
>>--------------------------- end -------------------------------
>>In case we could add that to our todo list
>>Innovimax SARL
>>Consulting, Training & XML Development
>>9, impasse des Orteaux
>>75020 Paris
>>Tel : +33 9 52 475787
>>Fax : +33 1 4356 1746
>>RCS Paris 488.018.631
>>SARL au capital de 10.000 €
>>Innovimax SARL
>>Consulting, Training & XML Development
>>9, impasse des Orteaux
>>75020 Paris
>>Tel : +33 9 52 475787
>>Fax : +33 1 4356 1746
>>RCS Paris 488.018.631
>>SARL au capital de 10.000 €
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>>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="xcf.rnc"
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Received on Monday, 25 January 2010 16:23:18 UTC