editorial correction to resolution

All --

As pointed out at the telecon end, the PR-advancement resolution that we 
passed in teleconference today had a slight editorial error.  The raw 
minutes would show "...2-pass status for ACI access to Intensity...".  That 
should be "...DOM set/get access...," not "...ACI access...".

It is corrected in HTML version of the minutes [1] and in the following:

Resolution:  After attainment of 2-pass status for DOM set/get access to 
"Intensity", the WebCGM WG will remove the following four "at risk" 
features from the WebCGM 2.1 specification and wishes to advance the 
resulting document to PR status:
1.) ACI access to Line Type Continuation;
2.) ACI access to Edge Type Continuation;
3.) XCF access to geometric transform functionality;
4.) ACI access to Hatch Style Definition;


[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webcgm-wg/2009Nov/0010.html

Received on Wednesday, 11 November 2009 20:48:23 UTC