Re: can you join WG meeting Wednesday?

I should be able to


On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Galt, Stuart A <> wrote:
> Lofton,
> I will be in meetings from 0600 till 1130 (pacific time) but should be
> able to break away for a short period at the regular time.
> Stuart.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Lofton Henderson
>> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 3:19 PM
>> To: WebCGM WG
>> Subject: can you join WG meeting Wednesday?
>> Stuart, Dave, Benoit, Dieter, Don, Thierry --
>> Could I ask that you each please respond, 'yes' or 'no'?  Can
>> you attend a brief WG meeting this Wednesday in our usual time slot?
>> This apparently fell through the cracks while I was gone:
>> >At 12:14 PM 10/20/2009 -0600, Lofton Henderson wrote:
>> >>
>> >>...[get] a WG resolution on 4th November to exit CR, initiate PR
>> >>processing, with document as [to be] modified by CR
>> comments and "at
>> >>risk" removals.  For the latter, we will need a resolution
>> listing the
>> >>removals.  That in turn will depend on the results of the
>> previous TC
>> >>meeting with implementors.
>> >>
>> >>If that is done on the 4-nov meeting, then it will be clear when I
>> >>return, how to make the draft PR text, and more
>> importantly, what to
>> >>take back to the TC (*that* is the critical time path now;
>> W3C PR can
>> >>proceed slowly, as OASIS is going to take much more time.)
>> While this meeting would not guarantee that we can initiate
>> the ponderous OASIS OS process in December, on the other hand
>> if we don't do a resolution this week, it is fairly certain
>> that we will miss the December window.
>> In other words, a week lost now costs us a month later.   So
>> this is pretty
>> important.
>> AFAIK, there has been no further progress on the "at risk"
>> features, so the removals will be unchanged from 3 weeks ago.
>>  (The ACI items for "continuation mode" on lines and edges,
>> and the XCF access to transforms.)
>> -Lofton.

Received on Monday, 9 November 2009 23:38:12 UTC