recent WebCGM 2.1 progression activity

All --

As you notice, things are pretty quiet in the WG lately -- we got the 2nd 
LCWD review prepared and launched a couple weeks ago, to close on 02 July.

Meanwhile, over in the TC, a first *raw* release [1] of the new tests for 
WebCGM 2.1 has been made.  I characterize it as "raw" because it comprises 
only the additional tests required for new 2.1 features, and it has not yet 
been fully integrated with the released 2.0 test suite (comprising 1.0 
tests and 2.0 tests).  On the other hand, all of the new 40+ tests have 
gone through a rigorous development and independent review process, and are 
approved by the TC for publication.  They are suitable for use by 2.1 


This is a temporary publication, and temporary location.  A permanent 
location will be available soon, after the initial integration into a full 
2.1 Test Suite is finished.

I have also produced a skeleton document and started the process to gather 
actual data for an initial draft of the WebCGM 2.1 Implementation 
Report.  More specifically, to gather an initial snapshot about the four 
implementors' statuses on the new tests of the WebCGM 2.1 test suite.

As soon as I have assembled this initial snapshot, this document *will* 
become a WG document, to be developed and refined here until we exit 
CR.  (Stay tuned for the initial snapshot, in the near future, as soon as I 
have gotten initial responses from all the implementors.)

This document should provide a foundation for:  preliminary goals & agenda 
planning for Ann Arbor; refinement of our anticipated time line to our 
CR-Exit milestone.



Received on Tuesday, 16 June 2009 15:49:49 UTC