implementation of "metafile" reserved SP keyword

In the last WG meeting [1], we accepted that there was a logical flaw with 
the Initial value column of the Style Properties table.

>         d.) [Resolved [0]] Initial Values of new 2.1 SPs [6]
>                 -- change new SP init. values to 'metafile'

I have implemented our decision to change to the reserved keyword 
"metafile" [2].  Now, all SPs have no effect unless explicitly set via 
setStyleProperty().  See the table [2] and the new paragraph "Initial 
values" below it.

There is an oddity.  Notice that the string "metafile" usually does not 
conform to the SP types, like Integer.  It is a little awkward, but is it a 
problem?  It does achieve the desired effect -- the SPs continue to conform 
(somewhat awkwardly) to the CSS-inspired inheritance model from WebCGM 2.0, 
and at the same time do not lead to visual changes of the displayed 
metafile unless there is an explicit setStyleProperty() call.


Does anyone see a cleaner way?  Or does anyone think that more explanation 
is needed yet?

Note one interesting side question.  Can "metafile" be a value in a setSP() 
call?  As currently specified, NO, it is not in the valid-value set of any 
of the SPs.  Its potential role is handled for the entire object (APS or 
picture) with the 'reload' method -- returns whole-object display back to 
what's in the metafile.




Received on Monday, 9 February 2009 18:38:40 UTC