Re: Wednesday's scheduled WG telecon

Thierry -- Instead of the regular telecon, I will await your call 2 hours 
later, 13:00 ET (11:00 MT).

All -- does anyone have anything they want to discuss in the regular 
telecon slot, in 20 minutes (at 11:00 ET)?


At 11:06 AM 12/16/2009 +0100, Thierry Michel wrote:
>This afternoon I have an appointment, I may be back for the telecon but 
>not 100% sure.
>I suggest that I call you latter today (18:00Z) (2 hours after the normal 
>telecon slot) if that is doable for you.
>Or let me know a slot today after 18:00Z that fits you.
>Also please remind me your tel number.
>Lofton Henderson wrote:
>>Thierry -- If you are able to dial in, I think it would be a good idea if 
>>at least you and I converse during the telecon slot (11am ET), just to 
>>firm up the PR-advancement plan and make sure we haven't overlooked 
>>something. Does that sound okay?
>>All -- you are welcome to join; it is mainly going to be a matter of 
>>deciding the action items for Thierry and I, with dates, etc.
>>Zakim bridge +1 617-761-6200 (US) or + (France)
>>code: 932246 ("WEBCGM")
>>IRC, channel #webcgm
>>_Answering the rest of your questions, in-line...
>>At 07:19 PM 12/15/2009 +0100, Thierry Michel wrote:
>>>Lofton Henderson wrote:
>>>>All --
>>>>My bad, we did already resolve to advance:
>>>OK, we are all set then. So we need to work on the final PR document
>>It is all finished except that I need to move your cover page into the 
>>directory with the rest of the files (../current-editor-21/..)
>>>Here is the cover page I had edited.
>>>Please check the removed features.
>>The "removed features" is correct.
>>>Does this conforms to the matrix of implementation.
>>I have not yet removed the associated tests from the matrix.  (I need to 
>>do so.)
>>>Is tha matrix up to date ? any new testcases passed ?
>>I updated the matrix last week.  It accurately reflects the current 
>>status of the implementations, according to the implementors.
>>>Are these features removed from the spec ?
>>Yes, I have already removed them.

Received on Wednesday, 16 December 2009 15:46:37 UTC