Wednesday's scheduled WG telecon

WebCGM WG --

I see just one item on our near-future agenda currently.  We might be able 
to handle it just as well by email, but right now I'm thinking that some 
telecon discussion would be useful in helping to decide that.

We'll decide about Wednesday telecon after some discussion on this 
message.  (Next regular telecon:  30th Dec -- probably be problematic 
getting attendance; next after that is pretty late -- mid-January.)

The item:  in the next few weeks, we will need a PR-transition resolution.

 From [1], about the transition Request (to PR), "...The request SHOULD 
include a link to the meeting minutes or email announcing the group's 
decision to request the transition."


Thierry, can we just circulate an email question to the WG?  We would then 
assemble the URIs of all of the individual "yes" replies, into another 
email that we would send to the WG (archived).  This seems easier than 
trying to get sufficient telecon attendance.


We are still in "wait" mode until certain steps are completed in OASIS.  In 
particular, the MoU specifies that the OASIS review and confirmation (or 
alteration) of W3C changes should happen with timing such that any 
OASIS-generated changes can enter W3C before PR approval.

The OASIS 15-day public review of the W3C "final" (CR-exit) document 
completed on 9th December with no comments received.  A pair of TC 
electronic ballots commenced on 11th December and will close on 17th 
Dec.  Passage is likely, with no serious comments.

This will mean that the TC, after the ballots close on the 17th, will have 
endorsed the WG's changes, without alteration.  Therefore (per MoU), the WG 
is able to proceed with PR anytime after 17th December.


Because of a quirk in the OASIS Process, the WebCGM TC will not be able to 
initiate the final OASIS-wide 30-day OS ("OASIS Standard") ballot until 1st 
February.  This means that OASIS will not be able to publish until March, 
and this suggests also the simultaneous-publishing timing for W3C.

QUESTION (mostly for Thierry).  What are the timing considerations for the 
required PR transition telecon with the Director, for publication of PR, 
and for initiation/duration of PR review by AC?


Looking at [2], it appears to me, given the approaching holidays and given 
the OASIS schedule (final OS ballot during February), that we should do 
something like:

1.) any time after Dec.17 (OASIS ballot closures), send Transition Request 
(Action:  Thierry & Lofton to write the request);

2.) arrange PR-advancement telecon with the Director -- the first (or 
second) week of January seems reasonable, all things considered.

3.) anticipate publishing PR text and commencing (AC) PR review in 
mid-January.  (Text is mostly ready now -- I only need to move your cover 
page to the right place with the rest of the text.)

4.) plan for a 30-day (AC) PR review, mid-January until mid-February.



Received on Tuesday, 15 December 2009 11:49:47 UTC