"new" stuff marked up

All --

There is now a complete document here:
[1] http://www.w3.org/Graphics/WebCGM/drafts/highlight-test/

What I did:

1.) I marked the new-functionality changes #1 - #8 that are mentioned here:

If you jump from one of those links, you'll find it.  If you space through 
most chapters (except #3), you will happen upon the markup.

Not done / Todo / questions:

2.) I did not markup anything for #9 in [1], transparency clarifications, 
because it is not new functionality.

3.) I did not markup anything for #10 in [1], deprecation/obsoletion, for 
same reason.

4.) I did not go through the change log [2] for more candidates:
There are probably a couple lurking in there.

5.) I suspect there is some stuff to mark in Ch.3, but on the other hand 
all I have found so far is some sub-string hotspot stuff (clarification?), 
and some deprecation/obsoletion stuff in 3.4.


Is this good enough?  Or could it be good enough with a small amount of 
work (1/2 day at most)?

For those who are willing, we could spend a little time on this at the end 
of the telecon, and (if not good enough yet), decide on a small number of 
additional markups.


Received on Wednesday, 10 September 2008 23:49:16 UTC