Re: WebCGM charter renewal

Lofton Henderson wrote:
> Thierry,
> Just a couple more questions for Process clarification, please...
> At 05:48 PM 1/2/2008 +0100, Thierry Michel wrote:
>> Lofton Henderson wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>> Then in accordance with the W3C Process Document:
>>>> - section 6.2.3 Advisory Committee Review of a Working Group or 
>>>> Interest Group Charter
>>> How long is this review?  I don't see any duration mentioned in those 
>>> Process sections.
>> The review period MUST be at least four weeks.
> Yes, I saw that.  I guess I was confused by the requirements for 
> "Activity Creation" on the one hand, and renewal of the WebCGM Charter 
> on the other.  But I understand now ... the combined SVG stuff and 
> WebCGM stuff makes for a substantive modification of the Graphics Activity.
>> Then the Director decides about the Activity Creation/ Charter renewal
> So ... the Graphics Activity review required by 5.2 and the WebCGM 
> Charter review of 6.2.3 are actually the same?  Or they are at least 
> concurrent?

the Graphics Activity hosts the 2 WGs.
There will be a review for the charter renewals.

>> The Advisory Committee SHOULD NOT expect an announcement sooner than 
>> two weeks after the end of the review.
>>>> - section  6.2.4 Call for Participation in a Working Group or 
>>>> Interest Group
>>>> of the W3C Process Document.
>>> I'm guessing that we should change the estimated start date for the 
>>> re-chartered WG in the draft Charter -- 15 January doesn't seem 
>>> likely now.
>> Yes we have been delayed. Now the W3C process asks for an advance 
>> notice to the ACs.
>> 15 January doesn't seem likely  for starting the group. 15 February 
>> seems more likely.
> Should we change that in the draft charter (that you just posted...)?

If we change I would target for feb 15th or march 1st.
Lets have final agreement with Chris.

>>> By the way, for the benefit of other WG-list subscribers, here [2] is 
>>> a version of the draft Charter that integrates all of the previous 
>>> WG-approved changes with the updates Thierry put into the "published" 
>>> version [1] (above).
>>> [2] 
>> Done,
>> charter published at
> -Lofton.

Received on Thursday, 3 January 2008 09:30:42 UTC