Re: Minor changes to the errata documents

Thierry (et al) --

At 09:20 AM 10/5/2007 +0200, Thierry Michel wrote:
>Thanks for adding the proper wording in the "Status of the errata" section 
>and 6th bullet.
>For WebCGM10 errata:
>If you agree, I should publish 
>No need to wait for public review, they have WG approval.

I agree, we can publish the 1.0 errata now if you (and everyone) are happy 
with the added status notation.

>And, as resolved we will not publish a WebCGM10 third version (Chris also 
>agreed to it).


>For WebCGM20 errata:
>Once we have a full resolution on all erratum
>E02, E03, E04, E05, E06, E07 have pending 'TBD" "WG-approved Resolution:"
>we will publish in proper public space.

Yes, we will settle the "WG-approved Resolution" at the 11th October 
telecon, after which we can update the document and publish.


>  Henderson wrote:
>>In an earlier thread, Thierry wrote about a proposed "status" addition to 
>>the errata documents...
>>At 05:29 PM 9/21/2007 +0200, Thierry Michel wrote:
>>>"These corrections are proposed by the WebCGM Working Group, which has 
>>>consensus that they are appropriate; they are not to be considered 
>>>normative until approved by a Call for Review of Proposed Corrections or 
>>>a Call for Review of an Edited Recommendation"
>>Ian Jacobs confirmed that it was right and appropriate to have this in 
>>the errata documents. I have updated our two draft internal errata 
>>documents accordingly:
>>See the new header section "Status of the errata", and see the new 6th 
>>bullet in the bullet list at the start of the header section.
>>Comments welcome.

Received on Friday, 5 October 2007 14:10:28 UTC