Fwd: Re: Agenda Ideas Sought for 7 November 2007 W3C Tech Plenary Day: NEW DEADLINE -> 27 July

Hi WebCGM,

I should have forwarded this earlier.  Although we are not presently 
planning to meeting at Tech Plenary (right?), on the other hand I am happy 
to forward any ideas you have about subjects that you think should be on 
the agenda.


>Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2007 12:21:13 -0400
>From: Steve Bratt <steve@w3.org>
>Reply-To: steve@w3.org
>Organization: World Wide Web Consortium
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>X-Original-To: chairs@w3.org
>Subject: Re: Agenda Ideas Sought for 7 November 2007 W3C Tech Plenary 
>Day:  NEW DEADLINE -> 27 July
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>Dear Chairs and Team,
>We have not received many ideas for the Tech Plenary agenda from you and 
>your Groups.  I know you folks have many great ideas, right? :) 
>...  Please discuss this in your groups and send your candidate agenda 
>topics to ...
>as soon as possible.  The deadline was for 13 July, but I'm extending the 
>deadline to 27 July.
>On behalf of the Tech Plenary Program Committee ... Thank you.
>Best Regards,
>On 6/19/2007 1:03 PM, Steve Bratt wrote:
>>Dear Chairs and Team,
>>The next Technical Plenary Day will be on 7 November 2007, in Cambridge, 
>>Massachusetts, USA, and we need your help ....
>>I have committed to our Members that our 2007 (and first) combined 
>>Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee Meetings Week ...
>>-- http://www.w3.org/2007/11/TPAC/overview.html
>>...  will be W3C's best meeting ever. Your input to the TP Day agenda, 
>>and your participation in sessions will be extremely important to 
>>achieving our objective.  After all, there are many technical puzzles to 
>>solve as we "lead the Web to its full potential", and discussion of some 
>>of these on TP Day might just help us move forward.
>>Please discuss the TP Day agenda during one of your near-future Group 
>>calls, and start a discussion on your mailing lists.  Provide your 
>>Group's input by 13 July 2007 to the Tech Plenary discussion list ...
>>-- mailto:member-techplenary@w3.org
>>This list is also archived ...
>>-- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-techplenary/
>>... and is Member readable and writable.
>>Feel free to provide input on agenda topics (e.g., future of (x)HTML(n), 
>>video on the Web, efficient XML, etc.), or on the format for sessions 
>>(e.g, panels, demos, lightning talks, etc.).  Think about topics that 
>>would have appeal to a wide variety of W3C folks.
>>Other resources that might be helpful include ...
>>... links to past TP meetings pages and agendas...
>>-- http://www.w3.org/2002/09/TPOverview.html
>>... and feedback from participants on the last TP Day ...
>>-- http://www.w3.org/2006/03/tp2006-feedback/results.html (Member visible)
>>We look forward to your initial ideas.
>>Very Best Regards,
>>Steve Bratt (TP Day Chair), for the Program Committee:
>>Jim Allan (Invited Expert, TSVBI), Dan Appelquist (Vodafone), Bob Freund 
>>(Hitachi), Daniel Glazman (Disruptive Innovations), Rotan Hanrahan 
>>(MobileAware), David Orchard (BEA), Shadi Abou-Zahra (W3C), Susan Lesch 
>>(W3C) [and a few more to come]
>Steven R Bratt, PhD    mailto:steve@w3.org
>Chief Executive Officer
>World Wide Web Consortium   http://www.w3.org/
>MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
>32 Vassar Street, Rm G522, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA / tel: +1.617.253.7697

Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2007 17:27:20 UTC