Re: Approuving WebCGM 2.0 Transition to REC

At 09:40 AM 1/17/2007 +0100, Thierry Michel wrote:

>Lofton Henderson wrote:
>>At 07:44 PM 1/16/2007 +0100, Thierry Michel wrote:
>>>I am organizing the request for WebCGM 2.0 Transition to REC.
>>>During our next telecon on thursday, we must record the decision to 
>>>request the Transition to REC:
>>>Therefore could you ask the WebCGM Group
>>>"Are we ready to go to REC with this document" ?
>>Yes, we can make a resolution in the next telecon.  As I recall, that is 
>>to be Thursday, day after tomorrow.  It is possible that it will be 
>>uploaded by then, but not certain.
>>If necessary, can we enumerate the 2-3 changes yet to to be incorporated 
>>and make a "provisional" resolution?  Or must all of it be done and 
>>frozen by Thursday AM?
>It would certainly be better to have the document finalized by our next 
>telecon. People could agree on it.

If all details of the text is not finished by the end of today, what would 
you suggest then:

1.)  either postpone the telecon till 1/25?

2.) or, approve what is done, conditional upon the application of any 
further needed changes (like the URI of the OS spec, which is still not 

>Also I need to send an URI of the REC document for the transition Request 
>Call [1] (here again a finalized document would be appreciated.

I had not realized that a transition telecon with the Director was required.


Received on Wednesday, 17 January 2007 14:13:01 UTC