Re: SOTD action item on WebCGM 1.0


See  responses in line.

Cruikshank, David W wrote:
> The STOD already has this paragraph:
> "This specification is based, in large part, on a work by the same name,
> WebCGM 2.0 an OASIS Committee Specification submitted to W3C as WebCGM
> 2.0 Submission. This Member Submission is related to the previous W3C
> work on WebCGM 1.0, and draws on experiences with that format from
> implementors and users over five years. This Working Draft incorporates
> feedback and discussion following the Submission."
> Actually that looks like is needs to be cleaned up a little too, e.g.,
> "Working Draft"??

I guess you are not browsing the proper "Status of this Document" version.
The WebCGM 2.0 Recommendation cover Page is available at

As this version does not mention "Working Draft".

> Anyway, to handle the status of WebCGM 1.0, I would propose a paragraph
> added like the following:
> "WebCGM 1.0 functionality is mostly a subset of WebCGM 2.0
> functionality, with a few exceptions (e.g., feature deprecation) as
> described in this WebCGM 2.0 text.  While WebCGM 1.0 remains a valid
> specification, primarily to support existing data, use of WebCGM 2.0
> viewers and authoring tools is encouraged."

I have added your paragraph to the SOTD

and have removed the previous wording:
"It supersedes the previous W3C Recommendation of 17 December 2001".
> Is there more that needs to be said than that??

No it looks good to me.

The only issue left (to my knowledge) is the OASIS URI to be mentioned;
Please give me the proper one if this one is not correct.
This version:

All WG members should review this cover page.


Received on Monday, 8 January 2007 16:34:45 UTC